Quelqu'un a dit "plantes" ?

Ever since I was a little girl, my mom taught me to love plants.

She loves flowers and indoor plants, this is why the windows of my childhood home used to be filled with flower pots (sadly that was the only place with enough light for them to survive).

But me and her, we have the same problem. As much as we love them, we never had the luck of a bright enough home for plants to thrive. I remember her saying that just keeping them alive was a success. There were no dreams of them exponentially growing from season to season.

However, despite the unfavourable conditions in our house and the constant dying plants I had to witness growing up, the hobby seems to have stuck with me somehow. Even though I have had my period of thinking that plants are too much of a responsibility and their favourite thing to do is just slowly die leaving you miserable and in pain, with time I’ve come to understand that not every plant is the same and not every plant has the same needs. Like anything in life, by trial and error, you learn what works and what doesn’t for both you and them.

Now, being the responsible young adult that I am, I feel like I can finally share some of the experience I’ve gained by killing so many plants over the years and hopefully help others not to do so.

So, did anybody say plants? Cause I’m here for the conversation for sure. So let’s get going and start talking plants.

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